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  • Operating Since 2025
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1. We are not being driven by having gigantic structures or as many seem to say that having an Estate is a lucrative business. Wholeheartedly, none of these is our priority or a goal to be achieved rather to create an atmosphere, well conducive environment to model lives even to our unborn generation.

It’s very unfortunate for our generation today to have houses but lack a HOME. A home is a place where character is built. It is a place where parents who know their duty or responsibility through the grace of God teach their Children and reshape their lives with valuable instructions. Therefore, we need such an environment and ZION ESTATE has the solution to this.

2. It is an environment that awakens the giant within you in order to discover your destiny in life. Remember on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance. In fact, this is a generation that quickly forgets to learn from past history of which we must desire for moral restoration which really changes humanity and brings joy, peace and happiness. What a great affection our society will become.

3. Zion Estate is designed for anyone else on planet earth either black or white to have a home such an environment. It is not a hiding place for evil activities such as fraudulent acts, cult practices, drug addicts, seductive activities or any act which may breach the peace and disciplinary laydown structure of the environment.

4. It is a life transforming arena where dreams and visions can be achieved and enable fulfilling of God’s purpose upon your life.

5. Our desire is to have all necessary basic life amenities within the estate premises such as School of all levels, Health Centre, Recreation Centre, Chapel, shopping mall, Swimming Pool, Library, etc.

6. Electricity and security are our top priority. To have access to 24 hours power supply. Also, an average Nigerian should be able to afford at least 2-bedroom unit.

7. Our modern structures and design pattern were critically explained in detail below with prices:

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